Fix a flat - Step 2 - Cole's Bicycles, Inc.

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Step 2: Remove the wheel

Remove the wheel: Open the quick release (or loosen the axle  nuts) on the wheel with the flat and lift the bike to remove the wheel.  To extract rear wheels, it helps to pull the derailleur back slightly to  clear the axle parts as the wheel passes through (main photo).  For fronts, you'll probably need to hold one side of the quick release  and turn the other counterclockwise to create clearance to get past the  wheel-retention tabs on the fork (inset photo).

  • Never force the wheel out! If it's stuck, determine what's holding it in place and free it.
  • Lay the bike on its left side so you don't damage the derailleur or get dirt in the drivetrain.
  • Remove the wheel
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